JTG attended the 28th Annual Executive War College in New Orleans, April 24 – April 26. What a fantastic, informative, productive and exhausting week! A new record of nearly 1,000 attendees were graciously hosted by Robert Michel and the Dark Report team, and the agenda was filled with engaging, insightful, and inspiring educational sessions.
Thought provoking presentations were delivered by an impressive number of industry thought leaders, including one co-presented by our own CEO Jamel Giuma and the wonderful Deanna Franke, PhD, DABCC, and Technical Director – Core Laboratory of Atrium Health in North Carolina.
Note: if you weren’t able to attend Jamel and Dr. Franke’s session, “Implementing Epic Beaker LIS in 40+ Facilities Across Three States: Lessons from Accomplishing the Incredible in Only Four Implementation Waves,” you still have a chance to hear about this multi-phased project’s journey, including critical keys to success and operational lessons learned. Jamel and Dr. Franke will be presenting this information again in a series of upcoming webinars so be on the lookout for an announcement in the near future!
We were also thrilled to be featured in The Dark Report published by The Dark Intelligence Group alongside Dr. Franke, discussing Atrium Health's Epic Beaker implementation journey across multiple locations. Check out the article to learn more about our experience.
